Forming Mica Stone


Forming Mica Stone

 acrylic and mica stone on canvas  24 x 24 

I am a native Minnesotan, living now in Sarasota, but my soul comes from Hawaii, the tropics and the oceans….

My art hangs in private homes and businesses in many US states, coast to coast, and in Australia, London and Canada. 

I’ve drawn since a young child…. And painted for the past 30 years; continually becoming less and less structured.  My art is abstract, very bold texture and expressive.  To me, it is very spiritual.  Common interpretations are water, sailing & marinas, forests, evergreen trees and abstract florals.  Colors tend towardsgreens, blues, purples, reds, naturals & metallics.

Works are an abstract expression of my dreams, my reality, my unknown existence to understand their origins, their meaning, their depth ….. a communication from light, energy and thought …. Of constant change …. And, with the hope of creating interest, conversation and the desire to delve into your imagination; to create a contentment in life and a desire to live.

With the use of a palette knife, vivid acrylics, genuine gold, silver and copper leaf.  The pieces reflect a natural harmony a distinct texture and a depth that continues beyond ….

An individual expression.

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